Ref. No 2001-0669
Call specification:
Open Call 2001
Title: Optical and radar ecological monitoring of near-Earth space environment for the control of technogenic pollution and natural hazard assessment due to asteroids
Reference no:
INTAS Ref. No 2001-0669
Total grant:
140'000 Euro
Start date:
June 1, 2002
36 months
Prof. Zigurds Sika, Institute of Physical Energetics, Aizkraukles 21, Riga, LV-1006, Latvia, phone: 7576635, e-mail:
Person in charge of Management:
Mr. Igor Molotov, Smolnaya str. 63-185, Moscow, 125445, Russia, phone: 7 (095) 152-95-94, e-mail:
Team information:
Institute of Physical Energetics - LAS, Aizkraukles 21, Riga, LV-1006, Latvia Riga, Latvia; the team leader is Prof. Zigurds Sika,
Institute of Radioastronomy - INAF, Noto VLBI Station, Ctr.da Renna, Noto (Sr),
96017, Italy, the team leader is Dr. Gino Tuccari, e-mail:
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics -RAS, Miusskaya square, 4, Moscow, 125047,
Russia, the team leader is Dr. Victor Stepaniants, e-mail:
Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo - RAS, Pulkovskoe shosse 65/1, 196140
St.-Peterburg, Russia, the team leader is Dr. Victor L'vov, e-mail:
National Control and Space Facilities Test Center, Sakskiy region of Crimea, Ukraine, The team leader is Mr. Vladimir Nesteruk, e-mail:
Special Research Bureau of Moscow Power Engineering Institute,Krasnokazarmennaya str., 14, Moscow, 111250, Russia, the team leader is Dr. Yuriy Gorshenkov, e-mail:
Radio physical Research Institute, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., 25, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia, the team leader is Dr. Nikolay Dugin, e-mail:
Andromeda Company Ltd., Avangardnaya str., 8-2-167, Moscow, 125493, Russia, team leader is Mr. Igor Molotov, e-mail:
Final report due: period from June 2002 to June 2005
Submission date of this report:
1.1. Overview of Research Activities / Conformance with the Work Programme
The works were mainly carried out in accordance with work programme.
Task 1. - Optical observations. This task is fulfilled. The Pulkovo cooperation of optical observers (PulCOO) was established and arranges the regular activities on space debris and NEAs searching and measurements. Under this task, the current status of all NIS observatories was checked and it was proposed for each observatory to collaborate under INTAS project. The program of telescope modernization of selected observatories was started based on the financing obtained by CR7, CR2, and CR3; the training of telescopes personnel was arranged in the Pulkovo observatory. PulCOO consists of the following observing points: four telescopes were repaired or produced (Maxutov 50-cm for Kislovodsk, the Caucasus; SR-220 22cm for Pulkovo; RK-600 60-cm for Mayaki near Odessa).
Task 2. - Radar observations. This task is fulfilled. The VLBI radar was created on base of Evpatoria RT-70 planetary radar and radio telescopes of Low Frequency VLBI Network (LFVN) placed in NIS and INTAS countries. The radar observations of space debris, NEAs and the Earth group planets are carried out in each year. This activity was arranged by CR7, CR1, CR6, CR4, and CR5 with assistance of CO, CR2 and CR3.
Task 3. - Development of real-time correlator. This task is fulfilled. The VLBI system of quasi-real time was created thank to efforts of CR1. The correlator is placed in Noto, Italy, and the 5 NRTV (near real-time VLBI) data acquisition terminals are produced, installed and tested at VLBI radar radio telescopes (that were connected to Internet using fast optical or radio links) and used during radar observations. There is a program of development of this system on LFVN in the whole and producing the second real-time correlator in Russia. CO, CR4, CR5, CR6 and CR7.
Task 4. - Equipping of antennas. This task is almost fulfilled. The equipment of two antennas, Bear Lakes RT-64 and Evpatoria RT-70, with new radio astronomical receivers (6-cm, 3.6/13 cm and 18-cm), the time and frequency services were upgraded with GPS-receivers and H-masers. Equipping of Ventspils RT-32 in Latvia will be finished soon. The 6-cm radio receiver is almost finished, as well as the 6-cm band feed-horn (it is in producing in Latvia). There is a plan to install the 6-cm receiver and feed-horn at Ventspils RT-32 in September 2005. CR6, CO, CR4, CR5, and CR7 were participated.
Task 5. - Research Space Debris population at GEO and HEO. This task was mostly fulfilled. The space debris population at GEO was investigated as it was planned. The HEO-object population was investigated partially - GTO-objects (which regularly cross GEO) and in the time of radar experiments. It was cleared that existing optical NIS facilities cannot track most part of HEO-objects. It is necessary to create new kind of telescopes with large field of view and quick automated pointing system. All teams were participated in solving this task.
Task 6. - Study of orbital evolution and collisions of GEO objects. This task is fulfilled. The LAPLACE long-term motion theory of orbital evolution for uncontrolled satellites was upgraded with new module for analysis of the explosions of GEO objects and orbital evolution of their fragments and was used for trial observations with NIS and INTAS optical telescopes. The reliability of this program was confirmed by project optical observations. CR3, CR2, CR4 and CR7 were participated in solving this goal.
Task 7. - Small-sized SD fraction research. This task is fulfilled partially. The apparatuses of beam-park measurements was elaborated and tested in trial radar observations, but without reliable results (the received data may be interpreted as radio interferences). The beam-track method was proposed and successfully tested for searching the uncatalogued GEO-objects, when both transmitting and receiving beams are moving along GEO. The three runs of observations were successful and are processing now. On base of received results, it was proposed the special equipment for beam-park experiments. It will be elaborated later. All teams participated in this task under leader ship of CR1, CR2 and CR4.
Task 8. - Space Debris database and software. This task is fulfilled. The center on collection, processing and analysis of information on space debris of Russian Academy of Sciences was created in Ballistic Center of CR2, all possible data on space debris and satellites were collected and put into this center, which now is one of the most powerful around the world. The BiKOP software for analysis and prediction of dangerous close approaches of these SD objects to operational satellites, rockets and manned orbital stations was finally elaborated and released for commercial applications. CR2 and CR3 were participating in this task.
Task 9. - Dangerous asteroids research. This task is fulfilled but in some lower volume as it was supposed. The radar results were received only for single NEA, and the optical observations of NEA were regularly carried out only with few NIS optical telescopes. On the other side, one Pulkovo telescope was observing NEA very regularly and its world rating was increased from 65 to 27 during the project. Currently, Pulkovo Observatory is the CIS leader in the NEA observations. The cooperation of optical telescopes was greatly enlarged and is under refurbishing now. Also, the new equipment for processing the weak asteroid's radar echoes was proposed. So, most project results in this part will be released some later. All teams were participated in this work.
Task 10. - Dangerous asteroids database and software. This task is fulfilled. Regular support of the database of asteroids and comets is now in action based on the EPOS software package (ver. 5x, now the full Windows application). This database comprises the catalogs of orbital elements and some other data for more than 280000 objects, including near-Earth objects (NEOs): more than 3300 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and 500 comets. The list of dangerous NEA was placed into Internet page. This work was carried out by CR3 mostly.
Task 11. - Earth group planets measurements. This task is mostly fulfilled. The clear radar echoes of Mars, Venus and Moon were recorded at Bear Lakes, Noto and Simeiz radio telescopes. These echoes were regularly used for calibration goals of LFVN VLBI radar subsystem. And VLBI radar technique was elaborated and tested for the Moon (VLBI fringes were received for the echoes reflected by Moon for three baselines Bear Lakes-Noto-Simeiz). In close future the recording of Mars and Venus echoes will be also processed.
1.2. Scientific results.
1. The Pulkovo cooperation of optical observers (PulCOO) was formed for space debris and asteroid observations. With this goal the negotiations and the works on checking of current status of ALL optical observatories of former Soviet Union were performed allowed to elaborate the telescope refurbishing measures and to prepare the program of enlarging the project optical cooperation. One of the optical telescopes was produced and the producing the two telescopes was finished under this project. The two grants for CCD-matrixes obtaining were prepared and 9 (!!) matrixes are in purchasing. The PulCOO collaborates now with Pulkovo (new 22-cm and 32-cm CCD telescopes), Goloseevo in Kiev, Ukraine (40-cm astrograph with photo plates), Nauchniy (64-cm CCD, 1.25-m photometer and 2.6-m CCD telescopes) in Crimea of Ukraine, Mayaki (30-cm telescope with TV-tube) near Odessa in Ukraine, Grakovo (70-cm CCD telescope) near Kharkiv of Ukraine, Mayaki (30 cm TV-tube, 50-cm photometer and new 60-cm CCD telescopes), Ussuriysk (40-cm CCD astrograph) in Far East of Russia, Maidanak (60-cm CCD and 1.5-m CCD telescopes) in Uzbekistan, Dushak (1-m and 80-cm photometer telescopes) in Turkmenistan, Gissar (50-cm camera VAU) in Tajikistan, Kislovodsk (repaired 50-cm CCD telescope) in the Caucasus, Zelenchuk (1-m CCD-telescope and 15-cm wide-field optical CCD camera) in the Caucasus, Abastumani (70-cm CCD telescope) in Georgia, Campo Imperatore (1.1 infrared CCD telescope) in Italy, Tarija (60-cm telescope) in Bolivia.
2. Powerful tool for analysis of orbital evolution of the GEO-objects and their fragments on long-term intervals is LAPLACE analytical motion theory with model of explosions. LAPLACE takes into account the influence of the geopotential, lunisolar attraction and solar radiation pressure and contains ACCORD database of GEO objects and spherically-symmetric model of GEO-object explosions. Using LAPLACE motion theory:
calculations of long-term evolution (on 3000 days interval) was fulfilled for 456 uncontrolled GEO-objects (all catalogued objects having TLE-elements on 2004 - 129 objects move in regime of libration, 327 in circulation or circular regime). It was spotted about 1155 unexplained changes of object drift rate (2.5 changes per object in average). The majority of objects (57%) had 0-2 collisions. 50% GEO objects had collision in 1000-3800 days). The quantity of collisions is monotonously increased increasing with time. It is supposed that the majority of found changes drift rate may be explained by collisions with small uncatalogued fragments of space debris;
list of 12 presumably exploded GEO-objects was compiled;
modeling of the orbital evolution of fragments of GEO-object explosions was made. It has shown that the most of fragments during some period have points of GEO intersect consisting of two compact groups (with approximate diameter 0.1-1o) in opposite sides of celestial sphere separated by 180 . The maximum inclination of fragment orbit to equator can reach 40 . In case of collision with operational satellite such fragment will have the relative velocity about 2 km/s. This is in a few times more than it was supposed earlier. The maximal distance of the fragment fly can reach 1000 km. This is very important information with point of view of the GEO preservation. Also this gives a good opportunity for discovering the GEO-fragments in these points of GEO intersections. So, the barrier method of GEO-fragments searching was proposed.
barriers were calculated for six presumably exploded GEO-objects and the trial fragment search in the calculated fields and their vicinities was carried out within several clear nights in October - December, 2004 January - March, 2005 with optical telescopes in Nauchniy, Crimea. Nine faint objects were discovered (for the first time in the NIS!). These objects were detected repeatedly at the nearest possibility (sometimes in 2-3 weeks of an interruption in observations because of a bad weather). All detected objects were tracked continuously during several subsequent nights. Achieved accuracy of astrometric positions has allowed not only to construct accurate orbits but also to improve estimation of solar radiation pressure coefficient value for each object. It was revealed that at least for 2 objects the solar radiation pressure is a very essential factor causing strong evolution of eccentricity of object's orbit.
3. The center of collection, processing and analysis of information on space debris of Russian Academy of Sciences was created. All data on space debris and satellites available in scientific optical observatories of the NIS were collected and put into database, as well as the TLE data accessible from Internet. This center is one of the most powerful scientific instruments around the world for the works with space debris and connected researches. Soon, it will be accessible via Internet. With assistance of the center:
routine space debris observations were arranged in Ussuriysk, Pulkovo, Nauchny and Mayaki, and periodic observations in Maidanak, Chuguev, Nikolaev and Zelenchuk; these observations provided the measurements for GEO-objects database and, moreover, were used for improving the ephemeredes of GEO and HEO objects selected for project radar observations; also the measurement support of few Russian launches was made.
follow-up international campaign for precise tracking the discovered in Nauchny faint GEO-object was carried out with participations of Mondy (Sayan observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS), Zimmerwald (Astronomical Institute of University of Bern, Switzerland), PIMS (Observatory Sciences Ltd., England) and Xinglong (National Astronomical observatories, CAS, China) observatories.
analysis of obtained measurements in comparison between project observational data and the Norad TLE-
elements allowed to fix more than 150 GEO-objects that have not TLE-elements and hence, cannot be tracked by mission control centers. Then these objects represent the serious danger for operational GEO-satellites and may be a critical source of pollution at GEO. At first stage this information was given to European Space Operation Center (ESOC) and these objects were included without orbital parameters into Issue 6th (January 2004) of Classification of Geosynchronous objects annually prepared by ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany. Then, joint INTAS/NIS survey with participation of PulCOO, Zimmerwald (Astronomical Institute of University of Bern, Switzerland), and PIMS (Observatory Sciences Ltd., the UK) was arranged to improve the ephemeredes of these unknown objects and will obtain the data for its identification. Long series of observations for more than 80 objects are obtained. For each observed object the construction of orbit with the help of methods based on numerical orbit with the help of methods based on numerical models of motion is carried out. Results of orbital determinations for 60 objects were published in the 7th (January 2005) issue of the "Classification of Geosynchronous Objects", European Space Operations Center.
4. EPOS software package was finally adjusted (5th version, the full Windows compatible) to maintain the database of asteroids and comets and provide ephemeris support for minor planet observations. This database comprises the catalogs of orbital elements and some other data for more than 280000 objects, including near-Earth objects (NEOs): more than 3300 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and 500 comets. The technology of the express support of the current catalog for Pulkovo NEO observations has been used as earlier. It provides:
the observations of all NEOs accessible at Pulkovo (up to 19-th magnitude) including the latest discovered objects. More than 4000 observations of about 320 near-Earth asteroids and 17 comets are fulfilled at Pulkovo, processed and sent to the Minor Planet Center. According to the NEODys database ( more than 400 thousand NEA observations have been taken at 684 world observatories up to May, 2005. And the rating of Pulkovo observatory was increased from 65 to 27 during the project. Currently Pulkovo Observatory is the CIS leader in the NEA observations and occupies the 27th place in the world rating. The Pulkovo NEO Page is elaborated, supported and developed The page contains two languages (English and Russian) with general information about NEOs and the current list of PHA - potentially hazardous asteroids with their elements. Besides that the current month ephemerides of close apparent approaches of NEAs with the Tycho-2 stars and occultations of stars by NEAs are included. This page may be useful for wide public, mass media and also for professional and amateur astronomers.
ephemeris support for the other optical stations (Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Italy, Germany).
estimations the measurement accuracies of all optical stations around the world that observed asteroids. The special Internet page was arranged to demonstrate these estimations:
5. New scientific instrument - VLBR radar (combination of the Evpatoria RT-70 transmitter and Low Frequency VLBI Network - LFVN) was arranged. The six LFVN antennas (Evpatoria RT-70 and Simeiz RT-22 in Ukraine, Bear Lakes RT-64 in Russia, Noto RT-32 in Italy, Urumqi RT-25 in China and Ventspils RT-32 in Latvia) were equipped with standard receiving-recording apparatus complex (Evpatoria RT-70 was equipped with astronomy receivers of L, S, P and X bands, Bear Lakes RT-64 - S, P and X bands and new hydrogen frequency standard and GPS-receiver). The dedicated correlation software was elaborated for NIRFI-3 correlator in N. Novgorod, Russia. Five NRTV (near real-time VLBI) terminals and a correlator were produced in Noto, Italy and installed at Bear Lakes, Evpatoria, Simeiz, Noto and Urumqi that were connected to Internet using optical and radio links. This allowed to provide the periodic checking of the radar system in the time of experiments and obtaining the preliminary results on urgent basis (this was a really working e-VLBI system in the NIS for the first time!). Also this equipment was used for beam-park and beam-track experiments. Six project radar sessions were arranged to receive the following results:
echoes of asteroid (1998 WT24) was detected at Medicina RT-32 (Italy). The hull of polar silhouette obtained from extent of the spectra is an approximately spherical object with diameter of 410 m. The spectra for OC and SC polarization have coinciding parameters for different rotating phase. The estimation of radar cross section obtained from echo power is 0.02 km2 on both circular polarizations. The formalized estimation of radar albedo gives ~0.1.The most interesting result is a near-unity circular polarization ratio. Such a combination of low radar albedo and near-unity circular polarization ratio can be interpreted as a property of comet-like surface of 33342 (1998 WT24).
VLBI radar measuring technique was adjusted for large catalogued GEO and HEO objects. The rows of precise Doppler shift measurements from three stations (Bear Lakes, Urumqi, Noto) were obtained for about 70 objects by cross-correlation of transmitting and receiving signals. The rotation periods and the sizes of objects and its main constructions were evaluated by Fourier transformation of signal intensity recording. The fringe rate measurements for echo-signals from space debris objects were obtained for three baselines Bear Lakes-Urumqi-Noto (for the first time in the world!).
adjusting the VLBI radar method for the Earth group planets (precise measuring of orientation of rotation
axis and short-periodic variations of proper rotation) is in the progress. The strong radar echoes of Mars, Venus and Moon were recorded on magnetic tapes and PC-disks. The VLBI fringes for echo-signals of Moon were obtained for three baselines Bear Lakes-Noto-Simeiz.
method and apparatuses of beam-track searching the uncatalogued GEO-objects was proposed and tested (the crossing volume of the radar beam of Evpatoria RT-70 and the beams of the receiving antennas are slowly moved along GEO so that they are fixed with respect to the inertial frame). During VLBR04.2, in July 2004, we observed the GEO region around of point with coordinates RA 12 08 43.0, Dec +00 50 45. The processing of this experiment allowed to detect clearly the echoes from five catalogued GEO objects and measure the moment of signal maximum, duration of beam crossing and Doppler shift. It was proposed the modernization of beam-park and beam-track techniques to detect the small space debris fragments. A real time multi-channels FFT processor will be elaborated to be able to detect signals with both high frequency and time resolutions (to operate with sub-hertz frequency resolution and time resolution enough for integrating taking into account the Doppler correction). It will be applied with NRTV terminals operating in over-sampling regime with respect to the window range for the echo search.
most large aperture dish antennas of the former Soviet Union (Evatoria RT-70, Bear Lakes RT-64 and Ventspils RT-32) were kept in operation, upgraded with new equipment and used for various scientific goals. It allowed to start the discussion about their involving in European scientific activities (VLBI and control of deep space missions).
6. To verify LFVN ability for VLBI radar imaging and learn the experience of VLBI imaging procedure, the radio maps of eight extragalactic sources were reconstructed from data of LFVN observations at 18 cm wavelength and compared with results of EVN and VLBA observations.
7. The USA-Russian space surveillance workshop was landed in Pulkovo, his directivity was reoriented to space debris, and it was transformed from close club to open international forum of specialists in technique and methods of space object observations, measurements processing and interpretation, database maintenance. 5th Workshop was arranged in Pulkovo in September and 6th Workshop will be held in Pulkovo in August 2005 with participation of scientists from USA, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
8. The project results were twice included in the list of main results of Russian academy of sciences and 71 publications with references to the support of INTAS grant were prepared in different scientific issues, including two reports and six articles in Internet site of astronomical news.
List the references with acknowledge to INTAS 2001-0669:
Joint Publications of INTAS and NIS project teams
International journals
I. Molotov, A. Kovalenko, V. Samodurov, B. Lipatov, A. Dementiev, A. Antipenko, S. Snegirev, M. Nechaeva, V. Reznikova, V. Altunin, A. Benz, F. Mantovani, C. Stanghellini, G. Tuccari, A. Konovalenko, I. Falkovich, A. Gridin, S. Ananthakrishnan, V. Balasubramanian, M. Sankararaman, X. Hong, X. Huang, L. Shiguang, S. Dougherty, D. Del Rizzo, A. Fink, X. Liu, W. Na, J. Zhang, A. Kus, K. Borkowski, J. Quick, G. Nicolson, I. Shmeld, Y. Koyama, M. Sekido, Yu. Gorshenkov, B. Poperechenko, V. Saurin, G. Ozolins, D. Bezrukov, X. Zhang. International Low-Frequency Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry Network Project Milestones. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 22, Nos. 4-5, August-October 2003, pp. 743-752.
I. Molotov, A. Konovalenko, V. Agapov, A. Sochilina, B. Lipatov, Yu. Gorshenkov, E. Molotov, G. Tuccari, S. Buttaccio, X. Liu, J. Zhang, X. Hong, X. Huang, A. Kus, K. Borkowski, Z. Sika, V. Abrosimov, A. Tsyukh, V. Samodurov, I. Falkovich, L. Litvinenko, V. Stepaniants, A. Dementiev, A. Antipenko, S. Snegirev, M. Nechaeva, A. Volvach, V. Saurin, A. Pushkarev, A. Deviatkin, I. Guseva, P. Sukhov. Radar interferometer measurements of space debris using the Evpatoria RT-70 transmitter. Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 884-891
Pushkarev, A. B.; Kovalev, Yu. Yu.; Molotov, I. E.; Nechaeva, M. B.; Gorshenkov, Yu. N.; Tuccari, G.; Stanghellini, C.; Hong, X.; Quick, J.; Dougherty, S.; Liu, X. Quasi-Simultaneous VLBI and RATAN-600 Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei. Astronomy Reports, Vol. 48, Issue 11, p. 900-908, 2004.
Pushkarev A., Kovalev Y.Y., Molotov I., Tuccari G., Hong X. Quick J., Dougherty S., Shanks R., Liu X., Kovalenko A. BL Lacs and quasars in global S2 18 cm VLBI experiment. Baltic Astronomy (in press).
National journals
G. Tuccari, I. Molotov, S. Buttaccio, A. Kus, X. Hong, X. Liu. Radar VLBI activity with participation of Noto. Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium, Ros, E., Porcas, R.W., Lobanov, A.P., & Zensus, J.A. (eds.), June 25th-28th 2002, Bonn, Germany, pp. 45-47.
I.E. Molotov, G. Tuccari, B.N. Lipatov, A.A. Konovalenko. V.M. Agapov, X. Liu, X.Y. Hong, Yu. N. Gorshenkov. On development of near real-time system for VLBI radar measurements of space debris movement parameters. The Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16-20 June, Moscow, Russia. Vol. 1. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Space Informatics Analytical Systems. 2003. p. 99-108.
Konovalenko A.A., Falkovich I.S., Lipatov B.N., Antipenko A.A., Dementjev A.F., Agapov V.M., Molotov I.E., Sochilina A.S., Guseva I.S., Sukhov P.P., Gorshenkov Y.N., Volvach A.E., Rumyantsev V.V., Didenko A.V., Papushev P.S., Kizjun L.N., Jamnitskiy V.A., Reznichenko A.M., Tuccari G., Liu X. Some results of international observations of high-orbit space debris on July 23-29, 2003. Near-Earth astronomy - 2003, v. 2. Proceedings of the conference. Russian academy of science institute for astronomy. St.-P.: VVM. Co. Ltd., 2003, p. 198-205. In Russian
Molotov I.E., Volvach A.E., Konovalenko A.A., Falkovich I.S., Litvinenko L.N., Negoda A.A., Fedorov O.P., Lipatov B.N., Gorshenkov Yu.N., Agapov V.M., Tuccari G., Liu X. International experiments on development of VLBI radar method for research of near-Earth bodies. Space Science and Technology, v. 10, n. 2/3, 2004, p. 87-92. (In Russian).
I.E. Molotov, A.A. Konovalenko, B.N. Lipatov, G. Tuccari, V.M. Agapov, A.S. Sochilina, I.S. Falkovich, Y.N. Gorshenkov, E.P. Molotov, V.A. Stepaniants, X. Liu, J. Zhang, A.E. Volvach, O.P. Fedorov, A.N. Bukreev, A.M. Tsyukh, V.N. Nesteruk, S.V. Malevinsky, A.F. Dementiev, A.A. Antipenko, S. Buttaccio, C. Nicotra, I.D. Stepka, A.N. Zinoviev, V.P. Saurin, A.B. Pushkarev, M.B. Nechaeva, Z.K. Sika, I.K. Shmeld. First results of the space debris radar observations using Evpatoria RT-70 transmitter and Low frequency VLBI network. Proceedings of fifth US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo. September 24-27, 2003. Ed. By P. Kenneth Seidelmann. Spb.: VVM. co. Ltd., 2003, pp. 294-304.
Igor Molotov, Yuri Gorshenkov, Alexander Stepanov, Alexander Dementiev, Gino Tuccari, Valerii Saurin, Alexis Zinoviev. VLBI Status of the Bear Lakes Radio Astronomy Station. IVS 2004 General Meeting Proceedings, p. 166-169.
Gino Tuccari, Igor Molotov, Salvatore Buttacio, Gaetano Nicotra, Alexander Dementiev, Alexander Konovalenko, Alexis Zinoviev, Yuri Gorshenkov, Xiang Liu, Xiaou Hong, Alexander Volvach. A Near Real Time e-Radar/VLBI Network. IVS 2004 General Meeting Proceedings, p. 225-228.
Pushkarev A., Molotov I., Nechaeva M., Gorshenkov Yu., Tuccari G., Stanghellini C., Hong X., Liu X., Quick J. & Dougherty S. LFVN observations of active galactic nuclei. Proceedings of 7th European VLBI Network Symposium on VLBI Scientific Research & Technology Toledo Spain. October 12-15, 2004, Edited by Rafael Bachiller, Francisco Colomer, Jean-Fransois Desmurs, Pablo de Vicente. Observatorio Astronomico Nacional., p.161-162.
Molotov I., Tuccari G., Nechaeva M., Dugin N., Konovalenko A., Falkovich I., Gorshenkov Y., Liu X., Volvach A., Agapov V., Pushkarev A., Titenko V., Buttacio S., Rumyantsev V. & Shmeld I. First results of European VLBI radar observations of space objects. Proceedings of 7th European VLBI Network Symposium on VLBI Scientific Research & Technology Toledo Spain. October 12-15, 2004, Edited by Rafael Bachiller, Francisco Colomer, Jean-Fransois Desmurs, Pablo de Vicente. Observatorio Astronomico Nacional., p.329-330.
Tuccari G., Molotov I., Nechaeva M., Volvach A., Xiang L., Hong X., Buttaccio S., Gorshenkov Y. & Nicotra G. E-LFVN - An Internet Based VLBI Network Proceedings of 7th European VLBI Network Symposium on VLBI Scientific Research & Technology Toledo Spain. October 12-15, 2004, Edited by Rafael Bachiller, Francisco Colomer, Jean-Fransois Desmurs, Pablo de Vicente. Observatorio Astronomico Nacional, p. 331-332.
Gino Tuccari, Igor Molotov, Salvatore Buttacio, Yuri Gorshenkov, Xiang Liu, Xiaou Hong, Maria Nechaeva, Gaetano Nicotra, Alexander Volvach. E-LFVN - An Internet Based VLBI Network. Proceedings of the 3rd e-VLBI Workshop, Makuhari, October 6-7, 2004. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, NICT Technology Development Center News No. 25, November 2004, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokio, Japan, p. 59 - 63
A. Volvach, A. Pushkarev, I. Molotov, G. Tuccari, X. Hong, and S. Dougherty. Research of Active Galactic Nuclei with Low Frequency VLBI Network. In proceedings of AGN variability from X-ray to Radio -- Nauchnyj, Ukraine, June 2004, 4 pages.
I. Molotov, A. Konovalenko, G. Tuccari, V. Agapov, A. Antipenko, Y. Gorshenkov, A. Volvach, X. Liu, L. Litvinenko, I. Falkovich, O. Fedorov, S. Zasukha, V. Abrosimov, A. Pushkarev, M. Nechaeva, A. Dementiev, N. Dugin, V. Titenko, I. Shmeld, V. Jazykov, S. Buttaccio, C. Nicotra, A. Tsyukh, V. Nesteruk, I. Puchinin. International radar space debris research. Submitted in proceedings of Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April, 2005, 6 pages.
Abstracts in proceedings
Molotov I., Konovalenko A., Falkovich I., Tuccari G., Sika Z., Shmeld I., Sochilina A., L'vov V., Agapov V., Stepaniants V., Molotov E., Lipatov B., Dementiev A., Gorshenkov Yu., Koyama Y., Hong X., Liu X., Kus A., Dougherty S. New international program for research of NEA and Space Debris. Book of abstracts of scientific conference "International collaboration in field of astronomy: status and perspectives". May 25 - June 2, 2002, Moscow, Astronomical Society, 2002, p. 47.
Molotov I.E., Konovalenko A.A., Agapov V.M., Sochilina A.S., Guseva I.S., Deviatkin A., Molotov E.P., Lipatov B.N., Dementiev A.F., Gorshenkov Y.N., Falkovich I.S., Chibisov A.V., Antipenko A.A., Stepaniants V.A., Poperechenko B.A., Abrosimov V.M., Tomilin Y.G., Smolentsev S.G., Rahimov I.A., Liu X., Zhang J., Tuccary G., Buttaccio S., Hong X., Huang X., Kus A., Borkowski K. First experience of joint optical and radar observations of space debris objects at geostationary and high-elliptic orbits. Abstract Book of inter-regional conference "Ecology of Space", June 10-14, St.-Petersburg, p. 27-28.
Lipatov B.N., Molotov I.E., Gorshenkov Y.N., Konovalenko A.A., Molotov E.P., Agapov V.M., Koyama Y., Tuccari G., Liu X., Hong X., Kus A., Dougherty S., Sika Z.K., Dementiev A.F., Falkovich I.S., Antipenko A.A., Samodurov V.A., Shishov V.A., Saurin V.P., Chibisov A.V., Smirnov A.I. Experimental development of VLBI radar method under LFVN project. Book of abstracts of Russian conference "Radio telescopes 2002 (antennas, apparatuses, methods)", October 9-11, 2002, Puschino, pp. 75-76.
I.E. Molotov, G. Tuccari, B.N. Lipatov, X.Y. Hong .Possibility of near real-time trajectory measurements with VLBI radar method. Program of 17th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics. Preprint 32, 2003. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, p. 9-10.
Molotov I., V. Agapov, A. Sochilina, B. Lipatov, G. Tuccari, A. Konovalenko, Yu. Gorshenkov, X. Liu, A. Volvach. International experiments on the development of radar interferometry technique. Program of Fifth US-Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. 24-27 September 2003, Pulkovo, St-Petersburg, Russia p. 19-20.
Konovalenko A.A., Falkovich I.S., Litvinenko L.N., Molotov I.E., Negoda A.A., Feodorov O.P., Lipatov B.N., Gorshenkov Y.N., Agapov V.M., Volvach A.E., Tuccari G., Liu Xiang "International experiments on development of VLBI radar method for researcing the the near-Earth objects. Thesis book of third Ukrainian conference on perspective space researches, September 15-20, 2003, Katciveli, Crimea, p. 41. (in Russian)
Molotov Igor, Yurii Gorshenkov, Alexander Stepanov, Boris Lipatov, Gino Tuccari, Valery Saurin, Alexis Zinoviev. VLBI status of the Bear Lakes radio astronomy station. Booklet of the third IVS general meeting, Ottawa, Canada, February 9-11, 2004, Geodetic Survey Division,
Natural Resources Canada, 2004, p. 31.
Tuccari Gino, Igor Molotov, S. Buttaccio, G. Nicotra, B. Lipatov, Alexis Zinoviev, Y. Gorshenkov, L. Xiang, Xiaoyu Hong, Alexander Volvach. A near real time e-radar/VLBI network. Booklet of the third IVS general meeting, Ottawa, Canada, February 9-11, 2004, Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada, 2004, p. 40.
Molotov I.E., Tuccari G., Zinoviev A.N., Dementiev A.F., Gorshenkov Y.N., Konovalenko A.A., Falkovich I.S., Volvach A.E., Buttaccio S., Samodurov V.A., Liu X., Hong X., Shmeld I.K., Pushkarev A.B., Dugin N.A. E-LFVN: Low frequency VLBI network of quasi-real time with transference of data through Internet. Thesises of reports on all-Russian astronomical conference VAK-2004 "Horizons of the Universe", Transactions of P.K. Shtenberg state astronomical institute , v. 75, M., 2004, p. 25. In Russian.
Pushkarev A.B., Kovalev Y.Y., Samodurov V.A., Molotov I.E., Nechaeva M.B., Gorshenkov Y.N., Tuccari G., Hong X., Quick J., Dougherty S., Liu X. Quasi-simultaneous VLBI and RATAN-600 observations of active galactic nuclei. Thesises of reports on all-Russian astronomical conference VAK-2004 "Horizons of the Universe", Transactions of P.K. Shtenberg state astronomical institute, v. 75, M., 2004, pp. 119-120. In Russian.
Dementiev A.F., Molotov I.E., Konovalenko A.A., Tuccari G., Liu X., Gorshenkov Y.N., Volvach A.E., Agapov V.M., Sochilina A.S., Falkovich I.S., Nechaeva M.B., Antipenko A.A., Shishov V.A., Saurin V.P., Zinoviev A.N., Pushkarev A.B., Tsukh A.M., Nesteruk V.N., Shmeld I.K., Stepaniants V.A., Sika Z.K. Experimental researches of possibilities to use VLBI radar method for the measuring the movement parameters of the Solar system bodies. Thesises of reports on all-Russian astronomical conference VAK-2004 "Horizons of the Universe", Transactions of P.K. Shtenberg state astronomical institute , v. 75, M., 2004, pp. 225-226. In Russian.
A. Volvach, A. Pushkarev, I. Molotov, G. Tuccari, X. Hong, S. Dougherty. Research of Active Galactic Nuclei with Low Frequency VLBI Network. AGN variability from X-ray to Radio. Abstracts. June 14-16, 2004, Crimea, Ukraine, p.24.
A. Volvach, I. Molotov, G. Tuccari, M. Nechaeva, A. Konovalenko, I. Falkovich, A. Dementiev, Yu. Gorshenkov, X. Liu, A. Kovalenko, A. Pushkarev "Astrophysics and astrometry applications of the low frequency VLBI Network. // Abstract book. MAO-2004. July 15-17, 2004, Kiev, Ukraine p. 48.
Molotov I., Sochilina A., Tuccari G., Konovalenko A., Nechaeva M., Kiladze R., Titenko V., Khutorovsky Z., Agapov A., Volvach A., Guseva I., Deviatkin A., Liu Xiang, Yu. Gorshenkov. Pulkovo cooperation for radar and optical observations of space objects. Submitted in Program of Sixth US-Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. 22-26 August 2005, Pulkovo, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Publications without INTAS-NIS co-authorship of project teams:
International journals
R.I. Kiladze, A.S.Sochilina. On the New Theory of Geostationary Satellite Motion. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 22, Nos. 4-5, August-October 2003, pp. 525-528.
A. Sochilina, R. Kiladze, K. Grigoriev, I. Molotov, A. Vershkov. On the orbital evolution of explosion fragments. Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 1198-1202
A. B. Pushkarev, D. C. Gabuzda, Yu. N. Vetukhnovskaya, V. E. Yakimov. Spine-sheath polarization structures in four active galactic nuclei jets. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 356, 2005, pages 859-871.
A. B. Pushkarev, D. C. Gabuzda, Yu. N. Vetukhnovskaya, V. E. Yakimov. Blazars with spine-sheath polarization structures. Astronomy Reports, Vol. 48, Issue 1, p. 5-12, 2005.
National journals
R.I.Kiladze, A.S.Sochilina. On the orbital evolution of the fragments of exploded objects. Izvestia GAO, 2002, 216, 438-447 (in Russian).
E.V.Katkova, I.S.Guseva. The observations of geostationary objects with the AKD CCD astrograph. Izvestia GAO, 2002, 216, 170-173 (in Russian).
A.V.Devyatkin, V.N.L'vov, E.V.Kornilov, D.L.Gorshanov, V.V.Kupriyanov, M.Yu.Sidorov. Astrometric observations of NEOs on ZA-320 mirror astrograph in the year 2002. Izvestia GAO, 2002, 216, 123-127 (in Russian).
A.V.Devyatkin, M.Yu.Sidorov. Astrometric observations of the objects of geostationary orbit on the ZA-320 mirror astrograph in the year 2001. Izvestia GAO, 2002, 216, 120-122 (in Russian).
V.N.L'vov, A.V.Devyatkin, R.I.Smekhacheva, S.D.Tsekmejster, D.L.Gorshanov, E.V.Kornilov, V.V.Kupriyanov, V.B.Rafal'skij, M.Yu.Sidorov. Pulkovo program of NEO investigations. Izvestia GAO, 2002, 216, 218-222 (in Russian).
I.E. Molotov. Low Frequency VLBI Network Project, history and first results. Izvestia GAO (in Russian), 2002, 216, 457-470 (in Russian).
A.V. Devyatkin, I.S. Guseva, I.I. Kanaev, V.N. L'vov, I.E. Molotov, A.S. Sochilina, D.L. Gorshanov, V.V. Kupriyanov, M. Yu. Sidorov, R.I. Smekhacheva, S.D. Tsekmejster. Pulkovo program for research of the Near-Earth Space Objects. Proceedings of fifth US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo. September 24-27, 2003. Ed. By P. Kenneth Seidelmann. Spb.: VVM. co. Ltd., 2003, pp. 62-67.
Alla S. Sochilina, Rolan I. Kiladze, Igor E. Molotov, Andrei N. Vershkov, Edvard Kornilov. On Investigation of Two-Line-Elements Precision of Geostationary Objects. Proceedings of fifth US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo. September 24-27, 2003. Ed. By P. Kenneth Seidelmann. Spb.: VVM. co. Ltd., 2003, pp. 142-151.
A.V. Devyatkin, V.N. L'vov, D.L. Gorshanov, V.V. Kupriyanov, E.Yu. Aleshkina, A.S. Bekhteva, G.D. Baturina, E.V. Kornilov, M.Yu. Sidorov. Astrometric observations of the Solar system's minor bodies on ZA-320 mirror astrograph in the years 2002-2004. Izvestia GAO, 2004, 217, pp.236-247 (in Russian).
V.N. L'vov, R.I. Smekhacheva, S.S. Smirnov, S.D. Tsekmejster. Some peculiarities in the Hildas' motion. Izvestia GAO, 2004, 217, pp.318-324 (in Russian).
I.E. Molotov. Experiments on the Differential VLBI measurements with the former Russian Deep Space Network. Proceedings of the "18th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics" Munich, Germany (ESA SP-548, December 2004), editors O. Montenbruck& B. Battrick, ESA Publication Division, pp. 443-447.
V. Agapov , J. Dick, I. Guseva, P. Herridge, Z. Khutorovskiy, I. Molotov, M. Ploner, V. Rumyantsev, T. Schildkneht , V. Stepanyants, P. Sukhov , V. Titenko. Joint RAS/PIMS/AIUB GEO survey results. Submitted in proceedings of Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April, 2005, 6 pages.
V. Agapov, V. Biryukov, R. Kiladze, I. Molotov, V. Rumyantsev, A. Sochilina, V. Titenko. Faint GEO objects search and orbital analysis. Submitted in proceedings of Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April, 2005, 7 pages.
Abstracts in proceedings:
A.V.Devyatkin, V.N.L'vov, R.I.Smekhacheva, S.D.Tsekmejster, D.L.Gorshanov, E.V.Kornilov, V.V.Kupriyanov, M.Yu.Sidorov. Pulkovo program of NEO investigations. Abstracts of the conference "Cosmos Ecology" (in Russian), 2002, SPb State University, 26-27.
I. Molotov, A. Konovalenko, V. Agapov, A. Sochilina, B. Lipatov, Y. Gorshenkov, E. Molotov. Detection of space debris with VLBI radar technique. A publication of the American institute of aeronautics and astronautics, Abstracts of the World Space Congress - 2002, Houston, Texas USA, 10-19 October, 2002, #00425. Invited.
I.E. Molotov, A.S. Sochilina, V.M. Agapov, M.V. Yakovlev, B.N. Lipatov. International program of the near-Earth space monitoring for flight safety, science and ecology. Abstracts of International Conference "Systems and technologies for future exploration and development of space" Moscow, ISTC, 2003, p. 21-22.
I. Kanaev, A. Sochilina, V. Lvov, A. Deviatkin, I.Gouseva, I. Molotov. Pulkovo program for research of the near-Earth space objects. Program of Fifth US-Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. 24-27 September 2003, Pulkovo, St-Petersburg, Russia p. 6-7.
A. Sochilina. R. Kiladze, K. Grigoriev, I. Molotov, A. Vershkov, E. Kornilov. On investigation of Two-Line-Elements precision of geostationary objects. Program of Fifth US-Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. 24-27 September 2003, Pulkovo, St-Petersburg, Russia, p. 12.
Kiladze R.I., Agapov V.M., Guliamov M.I., Didenko A.V., Molotov I.E., Sochilina A.S. Om the dynamical method of control of geostationary orbit obstruction. Thesises of reports on all-Russian astronomical conference VAK-2004 "Horizons of the Universe", Transactions of P.K. Shtenberg state astronomical institute , v. 75, M., 2004, p. 210. In Russian.
Devyatkin A.V., Aleshkina E.Yu., Baturina G.D., Bekhteva A.S., Gorshanov D.L., Kupriyanov V.V., L'vov V.N., Sidorov M.Yu., Smekhacheva R.I., Tsekmejster S.D. Pulkovo optical observations of the objects approaching to the Earth. Thesises of reports on all-Russian astronomical conference VAK-2004 "Horizons of the Universe", Transactions of P.K. Shtenberg state astronomical institute , v. 75, M., 2004,p. 208. In Russian.
Agapov V.M., Biryukov V.V., Borisov G.V., Guseva I.S., Deviatkin A.V., Didenko A.V., Kizun L.N., Lvov V.N., Molotov I.E., Papushev P.G., Rumiatsev V.V., Sochilina A.S., Sukhov P.P., Yurasov V.S. Coordinated optical observations of the near-Earth space objects in the support of VLBI radar runs. Thesises of reports on all-Russian astronomical conference VAK-2004 "Horizons of the Universe", Transactions of P.K. Shtenberg state astronomical institute , v. 75, M., 2004, p. 219. In Russian.
A.V. Devyatkin, V.N. L'vov, R.I. Smekhacheva, S.D. Tsekmejster, D.L. Gorshanov, V.V. Kupriyanov, M.Yu. Sidorov. Pulkovo NEO observations. The "Ecology of Cosmos" conference, February 13, 2004, Saint-Petersburg State University, pages 17-18.
A.S. Sochilina, R.I. Kiladze. On dynamical method of control of geostationary orbit area obstruction. The "Ecology of Cosmos" conference, February 13, 2004, Saint-Petersburg State University, p. 19.
I.E. Molotov. Experimental investigation of Evpatorian RT-70 capabilities to radio locate the space debris. The "Ecology of Cosmos" conference, February 13, 2004, Saint-Petersburg State University, p. 20.
V. Agapov, V. Biryukov, I. Molotov, V. Rumyantsev, A. Sochilina, V. Titenko. Programme&Abstracts of Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April, 2005, ESA Publication Division, p. 65.
I. Molotov. Pulkovo cooperation of optical observers. Programme&Abstracts of Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April, 2005, ESA Publication Division, p.173.
A. Sochilina. On new version of preliminary orbit determination. Submitted in Program of Sixth US-Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. 22-26 August 2005, Pulkovo, St. Petersburg, Russia.
R. Kiladze. On new theory of geostationary satellite motion and its applications. Submitted in Program of Sixth US-Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. 22-26 August 2005, Pulkovo, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sochilina A.S., Molotov I.E. Creation of method of searching and identification of unknown GEO-objects, which move and work near orbital groupings. Scientific-technical report No. B07/03 MCP, CAO RAS, 24/10/03, 34 pages. In Russian.
Molotov I.E., Sochilina A.S. Analysis of possibilities and elaboration of the proposal on use of existing optical facilities for observation of space debris. Statistical analysis of collisions of space object at geostationary orbit. Scientific-technical report No. 851-0073/04 TSNIIMASH, CAO RAS, 30.04.04, 50 pages. In Russian.
I. Molotov. Building the first radio telescope in Ireland in context of international VLBI networks development. Articles in Internet site of astronomical news. In Russian.
I. Molotov. Survey of Geostationary orbit with double astrograph of Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory. Articles in Internet site of astronomical news. In Russian.
It was created a complex of four main components for comprehensive investigations of status of technogenic pollution in GEO region. Pulkovo cooperation of optical observers (PulCOO) that joints 15 observing points around the world, VLBI radar that consists of transmitting Evpatoria RT-70, receiving Bear Lakes RT-64, Noto RT-32, Ventspils RT-32, Urumqi RT-25, Simeiz RT-22, and correlators in N. Novgorod and Noto, center on collection, processing and analysis of information on space debris of Russian Academy of Sciences and powerful tool for dynamic analysis of orbital evolution of the GEO-objects and their fragments on long-term intervals - LAPLACE analytical motion theory with model of explosions. And already there is an interest to collaborate with project cooperation from Roscosmos, ESOC and Chinese Academy of Science (Space Environment Prediction Center). First two small contracts on searching the small GEO-fragments were signed of Pulkovo Observatory with Central Scientific-Research Institute of Machine Building and Lavochkin Association in 2005. There were few points about assistance (did not quite got the point) with optical measurements in the tracking of GEO-satellites launches. The order for VLBI radar measurements is now discussed for two future French high-elliptical satellites of Express series. This complex will try to continue the works when the INTAS project finishing. The optical observations are carried routinely; the next radar session for asteroid, space debris and Mercury is planned for July 2005.
Two scientific infrastructures - PulCOO and VLBI radar of LFVN represent significant observing potential for the NIS countries. PulCOO started the program of telescope modernization with purchasing nine modern CCD-matrixes for grant of Russian Ministry of Education and Science and INTAS Ref. Nr 03-70-567. The quantity of NIS CCD-telescopes will increase more than in two times that will give great impact on science in the NIS. Development of near-real time VLBI system (NRTV-terminals, digital BBC, real-time correlator) has big influence on future of VLBI in the NIS. The Low Frequency VLBI Network is mainly used exactly NRTV-terminals (five stations) and there is a plan to equip next five LFVN stations with NRTV-terminal and 10 stations with dBBC. These new infrastructures are already used for various scientific areas in field of observational astronomy.
Also, the largest aperture dish antennas of the former Soviet Union (Evatoria RT-70, Bear Lakes RT-64 and Ventspils RT-32) were kept in operation, upgraded with new equipment that allowed to start the discussion about their involving in European scientific activities (VLBI and control of deep space missions). The trial differential VLBI measuring session for European interplanetary spacecraft Mars-Express is planned for October 2005.
Other field of applications of project results is asteroid hazard problem, which unfortunately not attracted the big interest of financial foundation now. EPOS software package that is a tool for NEO research was finished. The EPOS user manual (in both Russian and English) was printed and the license for right of property and sale of the EPOS software package was obtained. Pulkovo NEO Page has been elaborated, supported and developed The page contains two versions (English and Russian) with general information about NEOs and the current list of PHA - potentially hazardous asteroids with their elements. Besides that the current month ephemerides of close apparent approaches of NEAs with the Tycho-2 stars and of occultations of stars by NEAs are included. The special Internet page with EPOS measurement precisions of all optical stations around the world that observed asteroids was arranged:, this is a big help to Minor Planet Center, but also these pages may be useful for wide public, mass media and also for professional and amateur astronomers.
1.4. Summary of results
It was created a complex of five key components for investigations of the Solar system bodies in the near-Earth space environments: (i) Pulkovo cooperation of optical observers (PulCOO) that joints 15 observing points around the world; (ii) VLBI radar system of LFVN that consists of transmitting Evpatoria RT-70, receiving Bear Lakes RT-64, Noto RT-32, Ventspils RT-32, Urumqi RT-25, Simeiz RT-22, and correlators in N. Novgorod and Noto, (iii) center on collection, processing and analysis of information on space debris of Russian Academy of Sciences; (iv) powerful tool for dynamic analysis of orbital evolution of the GEO-objects and their fragments on long-term intervals - LAPLACE analytical motion theory with model of explosions; (v) EPOS software package to maintain the database of asteroids and comets and provide ephemeris support for minor planet observations.
Two scientific infrastructures - PulCOO and VLBI radar of LFVN represent significant observing potential for the NIS countries. PulCOO purchases nine modern CCD-matrixes and the quantity of the NIS CCD-telescopes (including second size 2.6-m telescope in Nauchny) will increase more than in two times that will give a great scientific progress. The largest aperture dish antennas of the former Soviet Union (Evatoria RT-70, Bear Lakes RT-64 and Ventspils RT-32) were kept in operation, upgraded with new equipment and the discussion about their involving in European scientific activities (VLBI and control of deep space missions) was already started. Development of near-real time VLBI system (NRTV-terminals, digital BBC, real-time correlator) has big influence on future of VLBI in the NIS. The five LFVN antennas use NRTV-terminals (Bear Lakes, Evpatoria, Simeiz, Noto and Urumqi were connected to Internet using optical or radio links) and other five stations may be equipped with NRTV-terminal and dBBC in future.
The calculation of long-term evolution (on 3000 days interval) was fulfilled for 456 uncontrolled objects at Geostationary orbit (GEO). It was spotted about 1155 unexplained changes of object drift rate and the list of 12 presumable exploded GEO-objects was compiled. Most part of objects (57%) had 0-2 collisions. 50% GEO objects had collision in 1000-3800 days. It is supposed that these changes of drift rate may be explained by collisions with small uncatalogued fragments of space debris The modeling of the orbital evolution of fragments of GEO-object explosions was made. It has shown that the fragments during some period have points of GEO intersect consisting of two compact groups (with approximate diameter 0.1-1o) in opposite sides of celestial sphere separated by 180o. The maximum inclination of fragment orbit to equator can reach 40o. In case of collision with operational satellite such fragment will have the relative velocity about 2 km/s. This is very important information with point of view of the GEO preservation, and also it gives the good opportunity for discovering the GEO-fragments in the points of GEO intersections. So, the barrier method of GEO-fragments searching was proposed. The barriers were calculated for six presumably exploded GEO-objects and the trial fragment search was carried with optical telescopes in Nauchniy, Crimea. The 9 faint objects were discovered and tracked continuously during several subsequent nights. It was fixed more than 150 GEO-objects that have not TLE-elements. These objects represent the serious dangerous for operational GEO-satellites and may be a critical sources of pollution at GEO. Therefore, joint INTAS/NIS survey with participation of PulCOO, Zimmerwald (Astronomical Institute of University of Bern, Switzerland), and PIMS (Observatory Sciences Ltd., England) was arranged to improve the ephemeredes of these unknown objects. Long series of observations for more than 80 objects are obtained and the results of orbital determinations for 60 objects were published in the 7th (January 2005) issue of the "Classification of Geosynchronous Objects", European Space Operations Center.
More than 4000 observations of about 320 near-Earth asteroids and 17 comets were fulfilled at Pulkovo, processed and sent to the Minor Planet Center. Currently Pulkovo Observatory is the CIS leader in the NEA observations and occupies the 27th place in the world rating of NEA observers. The Pulkovo NEO Page is elaborated, supported and developed The page contains two languages (English and Russian) general information about NEOs and the current list of PHA - potentially hazardous asteroids with their elements. The ephemeris support for the few other optical stations in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Italy and Germany was provided, the estimations of the NEA measurement accuracies of all optical stations around the world was made regularly, and the results were inputted in the dedicated Internet page:
Six project radar sessions were arranged, the echoes of 1998 WT24 asteroid was detected at Medicina RT-32, Italy. The hull of polar silhouette obtained from extent of the spectra is approximately 400-m sphere. The spectra for OC and SC polarization have coinciding parameters for the different rotating phase. The estimation of radar cross section obtained from echo power is 0.02 km2 on both circular polarizations. The formalized estimation of radar albedo gives ~0.1.The most interesting result is a near-unity circular polarization ratio. Such a combination of albedo and polarization ratio can be interpreted as a property of comet-like surface of 1998 WT24. The VLBI radar measuring technique was adjusted for catalogued GEO and HEO objects. The rows of precise Doppler shift measurements from Bear Lakes, Urumqi and Noto were obtained for about 70 objects by cross-correlation of sounding and echo signals, also the rotation periods and the sizes of objects were evaluated. The fringe rate measurements for echo-signals of GEO-objects were obtained for three baselines Bear Lakes-Urumqi-Noto; adjusting the VLBI radar method for the Earth group planets (precise measuring of orientation of rotation axis and short-periodic variations of proper rotation) is in the progress. The strong radar echoes of Mars, Venus and Moon were recorded on magnetic tapes. The dedicated correlation software was elaborated and the VLBI fringes for echo-signals of Moon were obtained for Bear Lakes-Noto-Simeiz baselines. The method and apparatuses of beam-track searching the uncatalogued GEO-objects was proposed and tested.
The project results were twice included in the list of main results of Russian academy of sciences and 71 publications with references to the support of INTAS grant were prepared in different scientific issues.
Key paper references
R.I. Kiladze, A.S.Sochilina. On the New Theory of Geostationary Satellite Motion. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 22, Nos. 4-5, August-October 2003, pp. 525-528.
A.V. Devyatkin, I.S. Guseva, I.I. Kanaev, V.N. L'vov, I.E. Molotov, A.S. Sochilina, D.L. Gorshanov, V.V. Kupriyanov, M. Yu. Sidorov, R.I. Smekhacheva, S.D. Tsekmejster. Pulkovo program for research of the Near-Earth Space Objects. Proceedings of fifth US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop. Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo. September 24-27, 2003. Ed. By P. Kenneth Seidelmann. Spb.: VVM. co. Ltd., 2003, pp. 62-67.
I. Molotov, A. Konovalenko, V. Agapov, A. Sochilina, B. Lipatov, Yu. Gorshenkov, E. Molotov, G. Tuccari, S. Buttaccio, X. Liu, J. Zhang, X. Hong, X. Huang, A. Kus, K. Borkowski, Z. Sika, V. Abrosimov, A. Tsyukh, V. Samodurov, I. Falkovich, L. Litvinenko, V. Stepaniants, A. Dementiev, A. Antipenko, S. Snegirev, M. Nechaeva, A. Volvach, V. Saurin, A. Pushkarev, A. Deviatkin, I. Guseva, P. Sukhov. Radar interferometer measurements of space debris using the Evpatoria RT-70 transmitter. Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 884-891
A. Sochilina, R. Kiladze, K. Grigoriev, I. Molotov, A. Vershkov. On the orbital evolution of explosion fragments. Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 1198-1202
Molotov I.E., Volvach A.E., Konovalenko A.A., Falkovich I.S., Litvinenko L.N., Negoda A.A., Fedorov O.P., Lipatov B.N., Gorshenkov Yu.N., Agapov V.M., Tuccari G., Liu X. International experiments on development of VLBI radar method for research of the near-Earth bodies. Space Science and Technology, v. 10, n. 2/3, 2004, p. 87-92. (In Russian).
A.V. Devyatkin, V.N. L'vov, D.L. Gorshanov, V.V. Kupriyanov, E.Yu. Aleshkina, A.S. Bekhteva, G.D. Baturina, E.V. Kornilov, M.Yu. Sidorov. Astrometric observations of the Solar system's minor bodies on ZA-320 mirror astrograph in the years 2002-2004. Izvestia GAO, 2004, 217, pp.236-247 (in Russian).
Pushkarev, A. B.; Kovalev, Yu. Yu.; Molotov, I. E.; Nechaeva, M. B.; Gorshenkov, Yu. N.; Tuccari, G.; Stanghellini, C.; Hong, X.; Quick, J.; Dougherty, S.; Liu, X. Quasi-Simultaneous VLBI and RATAN-600 Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei. Astronomy Reports, Vol. 48, Issue 11, 2004, p. 900-908.
Gino Tuccari, Igor Molotov, Salvatore Buttacio, Yuri Gorshenkov, Xiang Liu, Xiaou Hong, Maria Nechaeva, Gaetano Nicotra, Alexander Volvach. E-LFVN - An Internet Based VLBI Network. Proceedings of the 3rd e-VLBI Workshop, Makuhari, October 6-7, 2004. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, NICT Technology Development Center News No. 25, November 2004, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokio, Japan, p. 59 - 63
V. Agapov, J. Dick, I. Guseva, P. Herridge, Z. Khutorovskiy, I. Molotov, M. Ploner, V. Rumyantsev, T. Schildkneht, V. Stepanyants, P. Sukhov , V. Titenko. Joint RAS/PIMS/AIUB GEO survey results. Submitted in proceedings of Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April, 2005, 6 pages.
V. Agapov, V. Biryukov, R. Kiladze, I. Molotov, V. Rumyantsev, A. Sochilina, V. Titenko. Faint GEO objects search and orbital analysis. Submitted in proceedings of Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April, 2005, 7 pages.
1.5 Role and Impact of INTAS
Role of INTAS
definitely yes
rather yes
rather not
definitely not
Would the project have been started without funding by INTAS?
Would the project have been carried out without funding from INTAS?
Main achievement of the project
very important
quite important
less important
not important
exciting science
new international contacts
additional prestige for my lab
additional funds for my lab
helping scientists in NIS
other (specify):
It is planned to try to continue the project works in the existing Project cooperation with involving the other partners. The optical observations of space debris are carried routinely; the next radar session for asteroid, space debris and Mercury is planned for July 2005. The program of optical telescopes modernization is in progress (the 9 modern CCD-matrixes will be purchased for grant of Russian Ministry of Education and Science and INTAS Ref. Nr 03-70-567). Main problem of continuation of activities is financial. Therefore it was prepared 5 pre-proposal for INTAS call of 2005. The negotiations are carried out with Roscosmos, ESOC and Space Environment Prediction Center of CAS. The continuation of financing the congealed INTAS-IA-2001-02, BEAR LAKES RT-64: VLBI site for Astronomy, Astrometry and Geodynamics will be big help to continue the VLBI radar experiments.