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Space Debris Office


by R. Choc and R. Jehn

Produced with the DISCOS Database

February 2009
ESOC Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany

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4.7. Unidentified objects

In this list there are 152 objects which were observed repeatedly by ground based telescopes but which were not finally correlated to a specific launch (i.e their origin is not determined yet with the required reliability) except the cases listed below. Orbits were established by processing of optical measurements and propagation to a reference time point Jan 1, 2009 00:00:00 UTC with few exceptions when orbits were propagated to UTC midnight closest to the last measurement. For most of the orbits the reference time is within the orbit determination time interval but for some of them it is outside due to visibility constraints of the participating optical facilities. The numerical integration model used in the data processing takes into account the Earth gravity field (16x16, EGM-96), the Moon and the Sun gravity (DE-405 ephemeris) and solar radiation pressure (diffuse Lambertian sphere model).

All objects are usually relatively bright (brighter than 15th magnitude at favorable phase angles) and have no significant short term variations in brightness. Though there are a few exceptions.

The following objects were preliminary correlated based on analysis of the long term evolution:

UI036 = 1970-032A/04376 (INTELSAT 3 F-7)
UI098 = 1980-060A/11890 (EKRAN 5)

Additional photometry observations are needed in order to finally confirm this identification.

The following objects are identified based on analysis of the characteristics of their transmissions recorded by radio-amateurs, the ITU registration data, brightness patterns recorded by optical satellite observers and of earlier released official TLE data:

UI001 = 01033A USA 159 (DSP F21)
UI007 = 00080A USA 155 (SDS 3 F2)
UI004 = 00024A USA 149 (DSP F20)
UI063 = 02001A USA 164 (Milstar-2 F3)
UI065 = 99063A USA 146 (UFO F10)
UI066 = 93074A USA 97 (DSCS III F8)
UI068 = 94035A USA 104 (UFO F3)
UI069 = 93056A USA 95 (UFO F2)
UI083 = 90095A USA 65 (DSP F15)
UI104 = 00001A USA 148 (DSCS III F11)
UI105 = 00065A USA 153 (DSCS III F12)
UI106 = 03008A USA 167 (DSCS III F13)
UI107 = 03040A USA 170 (DSCS III F14)
UI108 = 04004A USA 176 (DSP F22)
UI109 = 03012A USA 169 (Milstar 2-F4)
UI110 = 97065A USA 134 (DSCS III F10)
UI111 = 98016A USA 138 (UFO F8)
UI112 = 01009A USA 157 (Milstar-2 F2)
UI113 = 98058A USA 140 (UFO F9)
UI115 = 95038A USA 113 (DSCS III F9)
UI116 = 96042A USA 127 (UFO F7)
UI117 = 03057A USA 174 (UFO F11)
UI119 = 95057A USA 114 (UFO F6)
UI120 = 93046A USA 93 (DSCS III F7)
UI121 = 95003A USA 108 (UFO F4)
UI122 = 95027A USA 111 (UFO F5)
UI123 = 92037A USA 82 (DSCS III F6)
UI124 = 95060A USA 115 (Milstar DFS-2)
UI125 = 97008A USA 130 (DSP F18)
UI131 = 94084A USA 107 (DSP F17)
UI133 = 91080B USA 75 (DSP F16)
UI141 = 07054A USA 197 (DSP F23)
UI142 = 94009A USA 99 (Milstar DFS-1)
UI147 = 07054B Delta 4 second stage
UI150 = 89046A USA 39 (DSP F14)
UI151 = 01046A USA 162 (SDS 3 F3)
UI152 = 07046A USA 195 (WGS F1)

Object UI135 corresponds to 1982-106B for which official orbital data was published by the U.S. Air Force Space Command since its launch until Jul 29, 1999 and then again from Jan 10, 2005 until Sep 9, 2006.

Object UI041 is identified with the object for which orbits were published by the U.S. Air Force Space Command between Dec 3, 1999 and Dec 11, 2002. It was erroneously associated with object 1977-080A (see the Issue 5 of Classification of Geosynchronous Objects, January 2003).

The previously observed continuous increase of the orbital periods of the objects UI079, UI127 and UI135 had stopped at the beginning of 2008. UI135 finally made a manoeuvre which significantly increased its orbital period (by nearly 12 min). At the same time in spring 2008, after it had been re-orbited out of the protected GEO region, the orbital period of UI120 started to increase in a manner similar to what was observed earlier with the three above menioned satellites. So it is possible that the propagated orbital data given hereafter for this object may differ from the actual data due to propagation errors caused by that unexplained (and thus not accounted for) acceleration(s).

The orbital period of UI087 changed unexpectedly (increase of 2.8 min) in Feb, 2008. This object was on a drift orbit for many years before this change occured.

The listed orbits are derived from measurements obtained in 2008. They are a joint product of the wide cooperation of organizations including:
  • Center on collection, processing and analysis of information on space debris at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KIAM RAS, Moscow, Russia),
  • International scientific observation facilities network (ISON) coordinated by KIAM RAS and including the following observatories:
    • Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (Nauchny and Simeiz facilities, Ukraine),
    • Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory of the Far East branch of the RAS (Gornotayozhnoye, Russia),
    • Ulugbek Astronomical Observatory (Maidanak and Kitab facilities, Uzbekistan),
    • National Astronomical Observatory (Abastumani, Georgia),
    • National observatory of Bolivia (Tarija),
    • Observation facility of the PGU (Tiraspol),
    • Observatory of the Institute for Astrophysics of Tajikistan (Gissar),
    • Terskol observatory of the Institute for Astronomy of the RAS (IN AS AN) (North Caucasus, Russia)
    • Central (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory of the RAS (St.Petersburg, Russia),
    • Odessa State University Astronomical Observatory (Mayaki, Ukraine),
    • Observation facility Milkovo (Kamchatka peninsula, Russia)
  • Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern.
    • Zimmerwald observatory (Switzerland)
    • ESOC Teide observatory (Tenerife, Spain)

The following data are given:

  • UI.NN - number of object (UI means 'unidentified')
  • TYPE - type of orbital motion performed by the object as determined from 3 years observations:
    • C1 - maintains longitude and near-zero inclination,
    • C2 - maintains longitude only,
    • C3 - maintains longitude and non-zero inclination,
    • C4 - maintains a drift orbit inside the GEO protected zone,
    • D1 - drifts along GEO under natural perturbations influence only,
    • D2 - drifts along GEO under natural perturbations and accelerations produced by on-board energy sources,
    • L1 - librates around Eastern stable point,
    • L2 - librates around Western stable point,
    • L3 - librates around both stable points,
  • YYYYMMDD HHMMSS.SSS - date and time of ascending node crossing, UTC
  • Tnodal - nodal period, min
  • Hmin - minimal height above Earth ellipsoid, km
  • Hmax - maximal height above Earth ellipsoid, km
  • Longit - geodetic longitude at given ascending node, degrees East
  • Inclin - inclination, degrees
  • RAAN - right ascension of ascending node, degrees
  • AoP - argument of perigee, degrees
  • SemiAxis - semimajor axis, km
  • Eccentr - eccentricity
  • M - mean anomaly, degrees

The osculating orbital elements are given in the standard Earth equator J2000 reference frame. The objects are sorted by inclination. The objects UI001 to UI147 are the same objects as listed in Issue 10. The objects UI148 to UI152 are the new ones.

For all objects with an epoch earlier that Jan 1, 2009, their orbital position is confirmed at later dates by amateur visual and radio observations. But orbits derived from amateur measurements are intentionally not provided to avoid possible confusion with data sources. All those objects are of C1, C2 or C4 type. The total number of objects is 152. The distribution according to the different types is the following:
  • C1 - 5
  • C2 - 38
  • C3 - 1
  • C4 - 2
  • D1 - 90
  • D2 - 1
  • L1 - 10
  • L2 - 4
  • L3 - 1

UI.nn YYYYMMDD HHMMSS.SSS Tnodal Hmin Hmax Longit Type Inclin RAAN AoP SemiAxis Eccentr M
UI152 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1224 35765.7 35808.5 174.997 C1 00.0620 114.2771 118.9687 42165.231 0.0005084 042.4606
UI107 20081124 00:00:00.0 1436.1539 35742.7 35832.7 307.688 C1 00.0717 063.4757 237.1206 42165.849 0.0010664 070.1574
UI148 20090101 00:00:00.0 1431.5971 35677.5 35719.5 028.224 C4 00.0812 086.3857 013.9970 42076.607 0.0004992 028.6855
UI104 20080831 00:00:00.0 1436.1045 35705.6 35867.9 224.582 C1 00.1027 117.5534 113.0040 42164.880 0.0019249 333.6737
UI106 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0660 35781.8 35790.2 060.130 C1 00.1060 078.2334 191.2715 42164.127 0.0001000 251.2815
UI105 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1197 35780.3 35793.8 348.041 C1 00.1283 077.4267 163.4919 42165.178 0.0001602 207.7852
UI149 20081231 00:00:00.0 1440.7611 35870.6 35885.1 020.907 C4 00.2450 073.2917 232.6096 42255.979 0.0001715 174.4950
UI109 20081021 00:00:00.0 1436.1324 35767.4 35807.1 270.166 C2 00.7997 100.8151 296.4549 42165.426 0.0004706 262.5352
UI108 20090101 00:00:00.0 1435.7974 35778.7 35782.8 101.740 C2 01.6681 067.2941 046.3440 42158.869 0.0000488 088.7918
UI062 20090101 00:00:00.0 1442.7364 35891.9 35941.0 257.825 D1 01.6791 068.0859 221.4739 42294.592 0.0005806 067.5359
UI013 20090101 00:00:00.0 1437.9672 35623.0 36023.4 258.253 D1 01.7948 355.4761 050.6548 42201.333 0.0047448 313.2045
UI140 20090101 00:00:00.0 1384.5020 34763.4 34777.7 288.365 D1 02.0541 077.1005 188.7091 41148.679 0.0001747 134.8450
UI065 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1679 35765.1 35810.9 072.671 C2 02.0755 034.1917 240.1672 42166.122 0.0005429 258.9080
UI070 20090101 00:00:00.0 1434.5174 31616.3 39895.0 142.533 D1 02.1154 194.7629 277.7958 42133.809 0.0982426 119.6101
UI117 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1338 35766.4 35808.2 071.527 C2 02.1261 344.0144 288.1773 42165.454 0.0004964 259.9329
UI064 20090101 00:00:00.0 1431.7423 35608.2 35794.4 323.519 D1 02.1314 042.1383 158.4762 42079.454 0.0022130 223.7232
UI153 20090101 00:00:00.0 1513.8830 36179.8 38411.7 177.334 D1 02.1879 031.9406 193.6200 43673.875 0.0255526 038.9637
UI063 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.2573 35785.1 35794.4 030.033 C2 02.3874 041.6912 211.4919 42167.871 0.0001104 237.4917
UI114 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1471 35667.4 35907.7 100.072 C2 02.4641 018.9093 173.6834 42165.714 0.0028493 008.1589
UI110 20080919 00:00:00.0 1436.1056 35770.4 35803.1 229.998 C2 02.4952 078.2500 088.8229 42164.902 0.0003884 061.1224
UI111 20090111 00:00:00.0 1436.1751 35761.0 35815.3 171.423 C2 02.7098 047.9030 228.1413 42166.262 0.0006440 005.8221
UI007 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1436 35766.6 35808.4 350.020 C2 02.7253 046.0516 170.1291 42165.645 0.0004950 234.5059
UI151 20090110 00:00:00.0 1436.1136 35761.4 35812.5 215.957 C2 02.7518 111.9311 171.1480 42165.059 0.0006060 042.4138
UI141 20090101 00:00:00.0 1435.6179 35764.9 35789.6 015.910 L1 02.8551 266.9766 344.3195 42155.356 0.0002931 225.3313
UI112 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1043 35777.9 35795.5 152.153 C2 02.9134 050.2351 232.4988 42164.877 0.0002085 330.0549
UI113 20090101 00:00:00.0 1466.7080 36316.0 36451.3 130.166 D1 03.0047 036.1090 256.3934 42761.798 0.0015814 294.0614
UI010 20090101 00:00:00.0 1445.5021 29892.8 42048.2 265.486 D1 03.0324 018.1446 015.0565 42348.626 0.1435165 334.7653
UI147 20090101 00:00:00.0 1502.0118 35928.9 38205.3 153.282 D1 03.2234 265.4639 176.1422 43445.261 0.0261982 157.2528
UI009 20090101 00:00:00.0 1438.2496 29738.0 41919.5 206.660 D1 03.2427 029.4626 288.6887 42206.858 0.1443066 333.7504
UI012 20090101 00:00:00.0 1386.5537 30750.4 38872.0 248.820 D1 03.3147 140.1748 011.4631 41189.322 0.0985880 207.2642
UI118 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1575 35588.0 35987.6 095.698 C2 03.3323 145.5014 139.1185 42165.918 0.0047378 272.0988
UI001 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1261 35782.8 35791.5 069.552 C2 03.8626 068.7872 176.7333 42165.303 0.0001024 284.6887
UI061 20090101 00:00:00.0 1441.5728 35853.2 35934.2 205.779 D1 03.8841 068.8402 211.7838 42271.849 0.0009589 024.8481
UI116 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1284 35778.1 35796.3 338.370 C2 03.9208 046.2938 236.2116 42165.349 0.0002162 156.5025
UI072 20090101 00:00:00.0 1427.9716 35480.0 35774.8 186.402 D1 04.1043 165.1942 235.5028 42005.539 0.0035081 246.7261
UI119 20081206 00:00:00.0 1436.1372 35769.0 35805.8 254.466 C2 04.2220 046.7379 163.2015 42165.521 0.0004368 119.5613
UI115 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1771 35783.2 35793.2 179.683 C2 04.4256 073.7687 256.2397 42166.302 0.0001184 310.3057
UI003 20090101 00:00:00.0 1433.1029 35671.7 35784.3 087.401 D1 04.6135 062.7117 324.7445 42106.108 0.0013375 160.7776
UI066 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1870 35782.4 35794.3 056.777 C2 04.7701 073.1369 154.5447 42166.496 0.0001405 289.7556
UI121 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0082 35757.2 35812.5 183.037 C2 04.8055 048.0930 228.0026 42162.996 0.0006558 007.5542
UI002 20090101 00:00:00.0 1429.3700 35566.9 35742.7 304.361 D1 04.8746 072.0977 137.0675 42032.958 0.0020912 197.5797
UI004 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1482 35786.3 35788.9 194.368 C2 04.8895 067.3229 230.9821 42165.736 0.0000300 356.7079
UI122 20080919 00:00:00.0 1436.0910 35781.4 35791.5 260.526 C2 04.9112 049.3454 160.3564 42164.616 0.0001196 048.9810
UI067 20090101 00:00:00.0 1444.1665 35922.5 35966.3 332.792 D1 04.9392 067.3829 355.1912 42322.537 0.0005174 010.8379
UI120 20090101 00:00:00.0 1453.3292 36102.4 36144.0 213.690 D2 04.9890 072.7689 221.5912 42501.361 0.0004893 017.0812
UI005 20090101 00:00:00.0 1444.1526 34915.9 36972.4 003.161 D1 05.1424 067.2301 209.8197 42322.265 0.0242960 185.1478
UI006 20090101 00:00:00.0 1424.1241 35537.7 35566.2 213.329 D1 05.3068 071.6060 166.8383 41930.052 0.0003400 077.5885
UI008 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1683 35584.3 35991.6 333.805 C2 05.3527 067.5762 202.3817 42166.130 0.0048296 164.2928
UI018 20090101 00:00:00.0 1435.9930 31735.6 39833.6 052.267 C2 05.8104 011.6840 219.8111 42162.697 0.0960329 273.9117
UI014 20090101 00:00:00.0 1431.3920 35650.4 35738.5 071.750 D1 05.8275 117.6115 043.0538 42072.590 0.0010480 012.0069
UI068 20090101 00:00:00.0 1434.8846 35754.8 35770.9 217.802 L2 05.9005 054.0039 108.3283 42140.999 0.0001919 156.3687
UI142 20081204 00:00:00.0 1436.1541 35779.9 35795.5 321.049 C2 06.0523 132.4759 136.0324 42165.852 0.0001856 125.6051
UI123 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1060 35771.5 35802.1 149.906 C2 06.1655 069.6618 223.3220 42164.910 0.0003628 317.5491
UI069 20090101 00:00:00.0 1435.9936 35771.8 35797.4 029.074 C2 06.1677 048.0282 220.7941 42162.709 0.0003036 220.8926
UI020 20090101 00:00:00.0 1448.2797 31581.9 40467.6 288.225 D1 06.2232 012.1182 285.0825 42402.858 0.1047774 080.2289
UI023 20090101 00:00:00.0 1437.7368 30589.6 41047.8 286.720 D1 06.7138 353.3108 331.9937 42196.824 0.1239217 055.9670
UI024 20090101 00:00:00.0 1444.6439 30560.3 41347.1 297.218 D1 06.9444 351.5127 028.7732 42331.863 0.1274074 023.8746
UI124 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1410 35773.7 35801.2 209.611 C2 07.0581 065.4066 333.3165 42165.595 0.0003262 271.5179
UI129 20090101 00:00:00.0 1437.5142 31820.6 39808.1 268.632 L2 07.3033 358.8616 266.5005 42192.469 0.0946550 093.0606
UI011 20090101 00:00:00.0 1423.1742 35310.9 35755.6 304.529 D1 07.3383 065.3722 106.6163 41911.406 0.0053046 236.8630
UI125 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1793 35785.4 35791.0 145.521 C2 07.3810 066.5715 290.8195 42166.345 0.0000655 248.7691
UI071 20090101 00:00:00.0 1447.2337 35908.7 36099.9 119.748 D1 07.4637 066.7528 013.5902 42382.441 0.0022564 138.9393
UI126 20090101 00:00:00.0 1452.7510 36074.8 36149.1 161.257 D1 07.5413 066.1984 203.0596 42490.088 0.0008736 350.3693
UI073 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1888 33618.0 37958.8 014.731 C2 07.6529 015.5609 176.6978 42166.530 0.0514725 283.4350
UI026 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1250 31213.1 40361.2 003.894 C2 07.6713 356.5961 284.3960 42165.281 0.1084801 171.8017
UI025 20090101 00:00:00.0 1448.1076 31897.1 40145.6 082.234 D1 07.6913 358.8274 345.8919 42399.499 0.0972708 194.1714
UI076 20090101 00:00:00.0 1445.8416 31938.5 40015.7 212.368 D1 07.7170 351.6603 012.9861 42355.256 0.0953511 308.5646
UI074 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1788 35566.2 36010.2 044.744 C2 07.7675 010.6308 232.5288 42166.335 0.0052648 261.7492
UI128 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0482 35223.3 36348.0 127.069 C3 07.8204 084.4627 347.6417 42163.778 0.0133365 155.3048
UI015 20090101 00:00:00.0 1423.1819 35457.8 35609.1 124.876 D1 07.8449 064.1544 211.7179 41911.556 0.0018049 311.0162
UI127 20090101 00:00:00.0 1454.0702 36105.5 36169.9 244.681 D1 07.9062 065.0628 198.0124 42515.808 0.0007578 078.7658
UI016 20090101 00:00:00.0 1431.4348 35560.5 35830.1 060.046 D1 08.2403 063.2690 041.8921 42073.427 0.0032045 056.1057
UI017 20090101 00:00:00.0 1446.1236 35458.7 36506.6 035.686 D1 08.2710 044.2354 192.1004 42360.765 0.0123691 259.0601
UI031 20090101 00:00:00.0 1413.1268 34417.6 36253.9 009.397 D1 08.3209 321.3834 204.9697 41713.913 0.0220107 305.0282
UI075 20090101 00:00:00.0 1446.3224 33961.6 38011.4 117.998 D1 08.4801 006.9743 260.6959 42364.647 0.0477966 304.0431
UI130 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0637 35761.4 35810.5 344.455 C2 08.8764 045.3008 253.4450 42164.081 0.0005816 146.3033
UI131 20081021 00:00:00.0 1436.1101 35669.9 35903.8 310.374 C2 09.0650 059.5258 096.3542 42164.989 0.0027733 184.4966
UI019 20090101 00:00:00.0 1423.2263 35521.2 35547.4 138.333 D1 09.1703 058.4332 262.2058 41912.429 0.0003132 279.9478
UI027 20090101 00:00:00.0 1435.4177 35580.4 35966.2 129.656 L1 09.2683 013.4880 027.3496 42151.436 0.0045752 189.8169
UI132 20090101 00:00:00.0 1299.9106 30472.3 35681.5 229.038 D1 09.3082 029.8972 255.7113 39455.041 0.0660148 068.0945
UI089 20090101 00:00:00.0 1429.7981 34881.2 36445.2 100.756 D1 09.3311 329.3985 227.7361 42041.349 0.0186003 003.6983
UI021 20090101 00:00:00.0 1431.9977 35651.3 35761.3 060.061 D1 09.6669 089.3233 174.8397 42084.457 0.0013073 256.7755
UI082 20090101 00:00:00.0 1407.2247 29163.2 41275.9 029.287 D1 10.0394 010.9785 018.0424 41597.683 0.1455945 108.1143
UI035 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.3271 35764.8 35817.4 066.259 L1 10.3672 322.7778 031.3435 42169.239 0.0006240 172.7954
UI036 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0258 35764.5 35805.9 357.406 L1 10.4145 321.7142 262.4261 42163.339 0.0004906 233.8718
UI022 20090101 00:00:00.0 1421.9990 35444.9 35575.5 232.006 D1 10.5139 050.1966 155.3758 41888.330 0.0015596 129.9625
UI086 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.2226 30630.0 40948.1 098.953 L1 10.5330 012.6167 329.1385 42167.193 0.1223482 211.2317
UI093 20090101 00:00:00.0 1434.2851 35595.0 35907.3 351.103 D1 10.6464 325.6813 307.0090 42129.260 0.0037060 178.8896
UI077 20090101 00:00:00.0 1449.8660 36040.9 36070.5 264.170 D1 10.8188 049.8831 255.8064 42433.816 0.0003481 056.1009
UI078 20090101 00:00:00.0 1421.8912 35407.3 35608.8 159.178 D1 10.8884 047.3311 184.7346 41886.213 0.0024054 029.8667
UI091 20090101 00:00:00.0 1433.1227 35666.5 35790.2 311.069 D1 10.9648 351.1742 158.0318 42106.495 0.0014682 262.7061
UI080 20090101 00:00:00.0 1421.5146 35300.7 35700.7 320.260 D1 11.0078 039.0146 200.8238 41878.817 0.0047761 181.1083
UI133 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0166 35782.0 35788.0 321.378 C2 11.0340 047.7469 136.0271 42163.159 0.0000712 238.2679
UI150 20081024 00:00:00.0 1436.0967 35781.8 35791.4 214.768 C2 11.0495 039.9711 140.4314 42164.728 0.0001146 067.0196
UI079 20090101 00:00:00.0 1454.7973 36126.0 36177.7 062.307 D1 11.0715 047.9080 258.5608 42529.979 0.0006086 214.9435
UI038 20090101 00:00:00.0 1430.3412 35402.4 35945.3 094.609 D1 11.1476 328.9080 337.7595 42051.996 0.0064556 249.2292
UI029 20090101 00:00:00.0 1422.3570 35495.6 35538.8 087.490 D1 11.1858 030.5335 109.6719 41895.360 0.0005156 049.5183
UI028 20090101 00:00:00.0 1410.1351 34932.0 35621.8 329.025 D1 11.2490 041.3089 314.0160 41655.017 0.0082794 074.2055
UI134 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0011 35681.0 35888.4 099.560 C2 11.4435 038.9807 048.2746 42162.857 0.0024600 113.1795
UI081 20090101 00:00:00.0 1441.2034 35576.5 36196.4 192.058 D1 11.4584 045.0518 276.6595 42264.626 0.0073336 329.2868
UI083 20090101 00:00:00.0 1463.4211 36280.0 36359.5 149.380 D1 11.4881 043.7899 263.3508 42697.888 0.0009309 298.9319
UI030 20090101 00:00:00.0 1463.7128 36237.2 36413.6 234.203 D1 11.5927 032.3951 117.2019 42703.560 0.0020652 179.7560
UI144 20090101 00:00:00.0 1443.4065 35888.7 35970.4 050.418 D1 11.6041 330.3971 226.4032 42307.686 0.0009647 313.2741
UI084 20090101 00:00:00.0 1450.7584 36029.8 36116.4 153.449 D1 11.6133 043.8089 235.7473 42451.226 0.0010207 332.3216
UI085 20090101 00:00:00.0 1416.7752 35298.8 35516.3 183.536 D1 11.6571 036.8932 258.1089 41785.680 0.0026026 352.2685
UI143 20090101 00:00:00.0 1450.3305 35907.3 36222.2 350.498 D1 11.6701 043.7121 149.5922 42442.880 0.0037099 257.5968
UI042 20090101 00:00:00.0 1467.0537 36314.5 36466.2 325.151 D1 11.7550 330.6076 233.2734 42768.516 0.0017731 219.7482
UI139 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.5018 35619.2 35969.8 225.680 L2 11.8546 039.1873 112.3034 42172.658 0.0041571 175.2001
UI043 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1729 35709.5 35866.7 073.560 L1 12.0360 333.0798 100.3769 42166.219 0.0018647 100.9548
UI087 20090101 00:00:00.0 1460.3367 36211.0 36308.5 195.427 D1 12.3341 035.3025 094.0247 42637.872 0.0011439 162.5496
UI088 20090101 00:00:00.0 1422.2746 35226.5 35804.7 271.230 D1 12.3384 028.8731 176.3219 41893.741 0.0069002 170.0681
UI048 20090101 00:00:00.0 1442.6459 35884.8 35944.6 286.455 D1 12.6689 332.6604 248.8772 42292.824 0.0007070 165.2491
UI135 20090101 00:00:00.0 1472.0392 36426.7 36547.7 032.220 D1 12.7507 030.4481 034.5071 42865.355 0.0014117 065.5050
UI049 20090101 00:00:00.0 1446.3379 35850.9 36122.7 316.416 D1 12.8298 333.1935 248.1681 42364.949 0.0032085 194.7712
UI094 20090101 00:00:00.0 1536.8189 34642.7 40828.8 309.528 D1 13.0944 008.1931 101.5093 44113.885 0.0701152 305.6588
UI050 20090101 00:00:00.0 1432.0906 35658.8 35757.5 090.925 D1 13.3532 339.6927 006.9972 42086.276 0.0011717 205.4967
UI052 20090101 00:00:00.0 1433.0467 35608.8 35845.0 104.353 D1 13.3927 339.6377 198.8111 42105.007 0.0028047 026.9307
UI092 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1446 35261.6 36313.5 074.320 C2 13.3969 038.4422 137.5654 42165.665 0.0124737 359.9297
UI095 20090101 00:00:00.0 1423.5066 35412.8 35666.8 151.135 D1 13.6204 013.6515 154.2779 41917.931 0.0030305 086.1140
UI054 20090101 00:00:00.0 1432.2308 35671.6 35750.2 149.188 D1 13.6341 341.3562 057.4624 42089.024 0.0009339 211.8346
UI136 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1210 34673.1 36901.0 090.459 C2 13.6542 055.7271 281.3560 42165.204 0.0264181 211.0737
UI090 20090101 00:00:00.0 1446.9291 34660.5 37336.2 317.409 D1 13.7341 056.0423 278.4622 42376.494 0.0315713 079.9819
UI040 20090101 00:00:00.0 1421.0356 35275.0 35707.5 067.552 D1 13.7905 002.7194 145.2875 41869.407 0.0051643 022.2888
UI032 20090101 00:00:00.0 1423.5368 35537.7 35543.0 238.029 D1 13.8058 020.7042 331.9117 41918.523 0.0000634 348.8653
UI033 20090101 00:00:00.0 1424.6184 35327.6 35795.6 340.041 D1 13.8450 019.2621 001.3595 41939.753 0.0055794 060.5875
UI100 20090101 00:00:00.0 1431.4882 34507.3 36885.4 279.821 D1 13.9995 341.6129 324.7667 42074.474 0.0282604 072.3940
UI041 20090101 00:00:00.0 1435.6871 35578.4 35978.7 108.783 L1 14.0016 002.6617 218.3949 42156.711 0.0047475 348.0958
UI039 20090101 00:00:00.0 1422.1860 35457.6 35570.2 333.322 D1 14.0093 006.3064 312.5634 41892.002 0.0013442 115.6563
UI056 20090101 00:00:00.0 1447.5902 35993.3 36029.2 310.771 D1 14.0868 343.1113 351.9447 42389.400 0.0004234 075.8178
UI034 20090101 00:00:00.0 1456.6644 36175.0 36201.4 115.129 D1 14.2742 022.8121 243.4457 42566.361 0.0003096 306.7628
UI044 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1600 35568.5 36007.1 047.344 L1 14.2917 002.6187 291.9327 42165.966 0.0052012 212.8864
UI037 20090101 00:00:00.0 1459.3297 36227.5 36252.7 206.581 D1 14.3527 016.1453 116.2595 42618.267 0.0002959 170.2180
UI137 20090101 00:00:00.0 1435.3296 35709.0 35834.1 347.976 D1 14.4672 353.2524 174.4693 42149.711 0.0014835 280.9741
UI096 20090101 00:00:00.0 1455.2051 36136.2 36183.4 309.102 D1 14.5343 005.3205 256.1780 42537.927 0.0005548 147.6095
UI098 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.7050 35733.9 35863.1 006.935 L3 14.5345 353.4702 016.6089 42176.635 0.0015322 097.5101
UI045 20090101 00:00:00.0 1457.1703 36140.4 36255.8 251.738 D1 14.5656 005.6593 114.2780 42576.216 0.0013554 227.5725
UI055 20090101 00:00:00.0 1415.0080 30858.5 39887.0 353.451 D1 14.5991 349.5483 067.2285 41750.925 0.1081233 049.9641
UI057 20090101 00:00:00.0 1476.5112 36226.2 36921.8 006.444 D1 14.7044 347.9481 231.2766 42952.127 0.0080974 243.8764
UI051 20090101 00:00:00.0 1448.0621 35778.1 36262.8 107.639 D1 14.7833 359.4703 124.2902 42398.612 0.0057162 083.3424
UI046 20090101 00:00:00.0 1466.5338 36365.7 36394.9 329.553 D1 14.8926 009.9064 204.7206 42758.412 0.0003418 214.3066
UI053 20090101 00:00:00.0 1458.3616 36201.2 36241.4 261.064 D1 14.9458 000.2455 141.2856 42599.417 0.0004713 220.1950
UI102 20090101 00:00:00.0 1451.0596 32182.9 39975.0 356.061 D1 15.3176 354.1590 050.4105 42457.101 0.0917646 058.8621
UI101 20090101 00:00:00.0 1454.5797 36129.7 36165.5 074.174 D1 15.3408 358.5972 172.7756 42525.738 0.0004199 001.2158
UI097 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.1386 35585.6 35989.3 072.120 C2 16.0167 024.0686 241.6989 42165.548 0.0047869 266.5147
UI047 20090101 00:00:00.0 1428.4380 35534.6 35738.5 336.092 D1 16.0496 025.2482 121.7633 42014.685 0.0024270 290.2470
UI058 20090101 00:00:00.0 1526.5350 37374.1 37703.3 172.588 D1 16.9661 003.2328 267.7095 43916.867 0.0037483 345.8575
UI145 20090101 00:00:00.0 1415.9011 30190.3 40590.4 006.388 D1 17.8295 293.5402 293.6167 41768.492 0.1244967 229.7973
UI146 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.4193 35716.8 35869.0 183.306 L2 18.8968 359.7493 212.2857 42171.042 0.0018050 071.7433
UI059 20090101 00:00:00.0 1407.4641 29870.0 40578.5 190.865 D1 19.8155 339.1797 315.5387 41602.400 0.1287009 353.5297
UI138 20090101 00:00:00.0 1434.6825 30180.1 41337.7 113.142 L1 20.5464 342.8744 262.2141 42137.042 0.1323968 313.7358
UI103 20090101 00:00:00.0 1410.4853 29770.1 40797.5 318.076 D1 20.5704 344.5559 282.7983 41661.914 0.1323433 138.3033
UI060 20090101 00:00:00.0 1436.0033 30312.5 41257.0 016.224 L1 21.1995 348.2514 224.7117 42162.900 0.1297879 252.6730

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